Green Advocates is improving life in West Africa
Our Vision
The Vision of Green Advocates is to contribute to the efforts for evolving a democracy that respects and promotes human rights and sustainable livelihood for vulnerable members of society through capacity building, research, awareness, lobby, advocacy and legal aid.
Our Mission
The Mission of Green Advocates is to promote community-based institutions and approaches through which individuals and groups can freely interact and effectively empower themselves to transform their economic, social and cultural structures.
Securing the Firewall and Connecting the Unconnected: Frontline Defenders Across West Africa
The West Africa Frontline Grassroots Environmental and Human Rights Defender (HRD) Baseline Assessment report (focusing on Economic Social and Cultural Rights (ESCR) issues) provides an overview of the situation of HRD who focus on ESC rights, specifically land and environmental rights on the frontline in communities in West Africa plus Equatorial Guinea. The research for this report relied on interviews of key informants and HRDs who are primarily based in urban areas, as well as desk research, and the profiles of Frontline Grassroots Defenders working in poor rural and urban slums communities conducted between 2020 and 2021. The report was validated at virtual international conference held in March of 2021.

Climate Change Reporting Project for the 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference
The West African Journalists Association and the Mano River Union Civil Society Natural Resources Governance Platform have collaborated to document the human sufferings and impact of the Climate Change Crisis in West Africa and the Sahel.
West African Human Rights Defender Conference
Human Rights Defenders, especially Frontline Grassroots Environmental, Land, and Human Rights Defenders in West Africa, face challenging and threatening situations that make the work they do very difficult. Given the enormous barriers and risks they face in their work, there is an urgent need to understand better who these Frontline Grassroots Defenders are, what strategies they use to keep themselves safe, and where the gaps are — to connect the unconnected and establish a support and response mechanism for frontline grassroots environmental, land, and human rights defenders across West Africa.
A recent report co-authored by Alfred Lahai Brownell Sr., Tom & Andi Bernstein Visiting Human Rights Fellow at Yale Law School; Green Advocates International, a human rights organization in Liberia; and several other human rights organizations in West Africa seeks to fill those needs. The report is a comprehensive baseline assessment that compiles the experiences, knowledge, lessons learned, skills, expertise, and practices of Frontline Grassroots Defenders across the West African region.
Read More about the Conference
Learn about Mano River Union Civil Society Organization Platform