Environmental Law Alliance Worldwide (E-LAW)
Green Advocates’ lawyers are part of the Environmental Alliance Worldwide (E-LAW), a network of over 300 grassroots lawyers and scientists from 60 countries. Founded in 1989, E-LAW gives public interest advocates around the world the skills and resources they need to protect the environment through law. This network provides legal, scientific and capacity-building assistance to Green Advocates.
- The Kimberley Process Civil Society Coalition,
- Environmental Law Alliance Worldwide ELAW,
- Rights and Resources Initiative
- Global witness
- The Centre for Research on Multinational Corporations (SOMO)
- Swedwatch
- Protection International
- Advocates for Community Alternatives ( ACA)
Direct Funders
- Funds for Global Human Rights
- The European Union
- Australian Government
- Food and Agriculture Organization/FLEGT
- Goldman Prize Foundation
- Columbia University
- Bread for All