Liberia Team comprises three partner organizations (Green Advocates International, Alliance for Rural Democracy and the Natural Resource Women Platform) working together to ensure communities rights are not violated and awareness information are given on projects as well as provide pro bono legal support to vulnerable communities.
Green Advocates has worked with the Government, USAID and partners to conduct further analysis in the natural resource sector, especially in extractive industries. Green Advocates partner, the Alliance for Rural Democracy, Natural Resource Women Platform (NRWP) along with the CSO Oil Palm Working Group in Liberia conducted a comprehensive need assessment (CNA) in 2018, providing a similarly multi-faceted profile of threats to these communities.
Green Advocates, a member of the Kimberley Process Civil society coalition, has been busy organizing and mobilizing local communities in Liberia to create awareness in the diamond and gold industries and has made recommendations and action points for the diamond industry and the international community during the Ebola outbreak in 2014.
The Alliance for Rural Democracy (ARD)
The Alliance for Rural Democracy (ARD) is a network of community-based organizations as well as pro-poor enterprising informal sector organizations from across Liberia, working in solidarity actions to address the numerous problems confronting and affecting rural poor, urban slums and squatter communities, pro-poor informal sector institutions and newly emerging and independent labor unions in Liberia. The ARD has membership in all of Liberia’s fifteen (15) political sub-divisions.
The Natural Resource Women Platform (NRWP)
The Natural Resource Women Platform (NRWP) serves as the forum for amplifying the voices of historically under-represented women in Liberia. It is a place to share ideas and experiences of women in their daily struggle for bread-and-butter. The Platform works with both rural and urban women in Liberia to highlight challenges they face and then design strategies to engage relevant stakeholders in addressing concerns about women rights in the country.
GAI has strong networks on the national and West African sub-regional terrain. GAI serves as head of Secretariat for two coalitions namely, Mano River Union Civil Society Natural Resources Rights and Governance Platform and also the Publish What You Pay (PWYP) Liberia Coalition. GAI also is a co-founder of the Public Interest Lawyering Initiative for West Africa (PILIWA).
Mano River Union CSO Platform
Secretariat of the Mano River Union Civil Society Natural Resources Rights and Governance Platform is headed by Green Advocates (GAI) Liberia. Members of this network include Liberia, Guinea, Cote d’Ivoire, Ghana, Mali, Nigeria, Senegal, Niger and Sierra Leone. The objective of the platform is to strengthen collaboration, solidarity actions, networking and experience sharing amongst affected communities and complainants from countries in West Africa to support an eventual multi-state complaint before the ECOWAS Court of Justice.
Publish What You Pay (PWYP) Liberia Coalition
The formation of Publish What You Pay (PWYP) Liberia Coalition by Green Advocates International as head of Secretariat and twenty lead civil society organizations paved the way for the establishment of EITI Liberia or LEITI as a means of encouraging collaboration and avoid disjointed advocacy and informing the need for increased consultation with local communities and civil society actors in national debates on the future of community-based resources, public service delivery and the overall achievement of economic, social and cultural rights in the new Liberia.
Public Interest Lawyering Initiative of West Africa (PILIWA)
Green Advocates is a co-director for the Public Interest Lawyering Initiative for West Africa (PILIWA). PILIWA is a response to the need to inspire and train a movement of lawyers that serve communities and the public interest. It also builds a network of support for West African human rights and environmental lawyers. PILIWA includes membership from seven West African countries: Côte d’Ivoire, Ghana, Guinea, Liberia, Niger, Nigeria and Sierra Leone.
- ESCR-Net
- OECD Watch
- The Kimberley Process Civil Society Coalition
- The ETO Consortium
- Africa Coalition of Corporate Accountability ACCA
- Environmental Law Alliance Worldwide ELAW
- Rights and Resources Initiative RRI Coalition
- International Advocates Working Group IAWG
- International Union for the Conservation of Nature IUCN
- FIAN International
- Voluntary Principles Initiative
- Global witness
- The Centre for Research on Multinational Corporations (SOMO)
- Swedwatch
- Protection International
- Inclusive Development International
- Accountability Counsel
- International Accountability Project
- National Working Groups and Coalitions (Oil Palm Working Group
- NGO Coalition of Liberia
- CSO Coalition on the African Development Bank
- Defend the Defenders Coalition
- Rights in Development Coalition
- Advocates for Community Alternatives ( ACA)
- Bread for All